dodo copy  A LOT OF FUN

if you didn’t realise something—line-animated-birds-wire copy.gif

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—namely that you cannot debate or reason with a brick, or a schlogg of foam on the beach, or someone who overlooks the most basic of his own ‘facts’ … but first, let me introduce the source of that delightfully illustrative snippet—

—and you’ll see where I’m coming from with this.

The source article was this invitation finger-pointing-down  (between the red lines):




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—and let’s get to the gritty. Namely that if you need an unseen presence watching your every thought and monitoring your compliances (not with Humanity itself but a blackmailing parasitical code of would-be ‘ethics’) then you are, in all possible meanings of the word, a bit Pathetic*.


I think the nice Beattie has aptly described ‘God’ …



Awww … shucks … modesty forbids …

* Okay, I lied.

Please amend: (a) delete “a bit” and (b) in place insert “totally” …


  1. Theirs’ is a most odd set up. They claim to champion their version of god belief and yet they exude all the revolting behavior of the supposed atheism and godlessness they continually rail against!

    Grandad is currently in ICU in a coma because of some form of mental illness, daddy Branyan is a complete oddball who claims to be funny yet only performs to Christians and sounds a bit like Robin Williams without a trace of the genius humour, and daughter, who apparently once had a run in with a firearm and pondering over what it might be like to take early retirement in this life, has a mild crush on David Wood who once tried to stove his father’s head in with a hammer and then … miraculously … found The Lawd.

    All told, I am not sure what it is they are trying to sell, but there can’t be many buyers.

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    1. I think the old money-making clichés are a bit worn so they’re trying desperately to reinvent their funding wheels. As you say, not enough buyers—perhaps common sense may yet win over superstitious babblings, no?

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      1. I have a suspicion that if the grandad dies it will drive the pair of them further into fundamentalism, the perfect example of what happens when you reject Yahweh.
        I am somewhat surprised though that there has been no mention of healing and prayer.
        Perhaps the old man is not righteous enough and thus, undeserving?


      2. If GD dies, that is God’s will and entirely in accordance (it couldn’t be otherwise, no?) with said God’s will.
        And let’s not forget that ol’ God knew about it to the last iota even before He kicked off The Creation—for every moment of GD’s life God was busily ticking off GD’s calendar, shortening his string and getting ready with the scissors.


  2. Aw c’mon Argus, you underestimate a brick – sure it just sits there saying nothing, but that is a whole lot smarter than someone in Congress opening their mouth to speak – am I right?



    1. ‘Congress’ has several meanings … one of them* means that someone gets screwed*. I stay away from politics, but if ever voting is made compulsory in this country I’ll vote Brick—I can’t recall any instance of brick starting a war, or ruining the economy.

      * Actually, that’s the major …

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